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  • Kene Vernik

Binge-watching is watching movies and TV series night after night without being able to stop. While

Kirjutasin Tartu Ülikooli veebilehel ühe lühikese kokkuvõtte.

Binge-watching is watching movies and TV series night after night without being able to stop. While in the past, people went to bed to sleep or enjoy sexual activities, now couples lie in bed, holding hands for hours on end, and lose control to binge-watch their favourite series.

Since 2013, binge-watching has become one of the most popular ways to relax, especially among people aged 18–39. Gender difference regarding binge-watching is quite insignificant, the split is more or less fifty-fifty. Women tend to watch more comedies and drama series and movies, whereas men prefer science fiction and fantasy movies. Studies also show that people are more likely to binge-watch alone.

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